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Servicing Engine

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Our diagnostic testing equipment is state-of-the-art to ensure we identify all mechanical & electrical problems with your vehicle apart of servicing your vehicles engine.


Our ATD-1 Actuator Testing machine is apart of Turbocharger Repair and allows us to test and recalibrate the actuator.

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Our specialist mechanics will clean all the soot from the filter emptying the DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter). Efficiency pf combustion improved to allow more soot to be trapped by the filter having your turbocharger running smoothly after Turbocharger Repair.


You’re a busy person — don’t let vehicle problems get in your way. Power-Ject
Turbo & Injector Specialist has the proper equipment and experience to locate, repair and/or replace the issue quickly and effectively. Call us to take care of your Fluid Check needs today.

Electrical Services: Services
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An electrical services section in a car garage is responsible for repairing, maintaining, and diagnosing any electrical issues in a vehicle's electrical system. Here's an overview of the services typically offered in an electrical services section:

  1. Electrical diagnostics: Technicians will use specialized diagnostic tools to identify any electrical issues in the vehicle. They may test the battery, alternator, starter motor, and other electrical components to determine the root cause of the problem.

  2. Battery replacement: If the battery is found to be faulty, technicians will replace it with a new one. They will also check the charging system to ensure that the new battery is properly charged and can hold a charge.

  3. Alternator replacement: If the alternator is found to be faulty, technicians will replace it with a new one. They will also check the battery to ensure that it is properly charged and can hold a charge.

  4. Starter motor replacement: If the starter motor is found to be faulty, technicians will replace it with a new one. They will also check the battery and charging system to ensure that they are properly functioning.

  5. Wiring repairs: If there are any issues with the wiring in the vehicle, technicians will repair or replace the affected wiring. They will also check the connections to ensure that they are properly secured.

  6. Lighting repairs: If there are any issues with the vehicle's lighting system, technicians will repair or replace the affected bulbs or wiring. They may also check the headlight alignment to ensure that it is properly adjusted.

  7. Accessory installation: Technicians may also install new accessories such as sound systems, alarms, or GPS devices. They will ensure that the installation is properly done and that the accessory is functioning as expected.

Overall, an electrical services section in a car garage is an important part of maintaining and repairing a vehicle's electrical system. By offering a range of services, they can help ensure that the vehicle is operating safely and reliably.

Electrical Services: About
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